{{ $property->customer->name }}
@if ($property->customer->father_type == 1) {{ 'S/O ' }} @elseif($property->customer->father_type == 2) {{ 'D/O ' }} @else {{ 'W/O ' }} @endif {{ $property->customer->father_name }}
{{ $property->customer->mailing_address }}
Phone No:
{{ $property->customer->mobile_number }}
1. The management of Smart Housing Multan is pleased to allot the file of {{ explode(' ',$property->inventory->type->name)[0] }} plot of {{ $property->inventory->size->name }} {{ env('SIZE') }} ({{ $property->inventory->size->name * 25 }} Sq Yds) in Smart Housing Multan.
@else1. The management of Smart Housing Multan is pleased to allot the file of {{ explode(' ',$property->inventory->type->name)[0] }} file of {{ $property->inventory->size->name }} {{ env('SIZE') }} ({{ $property->inventory->size->name * 25 }} Sq Yds) in Smart Housing Multan.
@endif2. Reference No. SHM/{{ date('mYd') }}/000{{ $property->id }}/RO{{ $property->inventory->size ? $property->inventory->size->name : '' }}{{ substr(env('SIZE'), 0, 1) }} dated {{date('d-F-Y')}}.
inventory->size->name) }}>3. Your Plot no is {{ $property->inventory ? $property->inventory->unit_number : '' }} Street {{ $property->inventory->floor ? $property->inventory->floor->name : '' }} Block {{ explode(' ',$property->inventory->floor ? $property->inventory->floor->unitBlock->name : '')[0] }}
@else3. Your File no is {{ $property->inventory ? $property->inventory->unit_number : '' }} Street {{ $property->inventory->floor ? $property->inventory->floor->name : '' }} Block {{ explode(' ',$property->inventory->floor ? $property->inventory->floor->unitBlock->name : '')[0] }}
@endif4. Remaining dues (Maintenance Charges) will be paid by you as per Smart Housing Multan after the possession of the plot.
@else4. Remaining dues (Maintenance Charges) will be paid by you as per Smart Housing Multan after the possession of the file.
@endif5. Adherence of all rules / regulation / by laws of Smart Housing Multan and MDA is mandatory.
Managing Director