@extends( 'layouts.app' ) @section('title') Allocation Letter of Customer Statement @stop @section('css') @section('content')


{{ $property->customer->name }}

@if ($property->customer->father_type == 1) {{ 'S/O ' }} @elseif($property->customer->father_type == 2) {{ 'D/O ' }} @else {{ 'W/O ' }} @endif {{ $property->customer->father_name }}


{{ $property->customer->mailing_address }}

Phone No:

{{ $property->customer->mobile_number }}

@if($property->inventory->type->name == 'Residential Cash' || $property->inventory->type->name == 'Commercial Cash')

1. The management of Smart Housing Multan is pleased to allot the file of {{ explode(' ',$property->inventory->type->name)[0] }} plot of {{ $property->inventory->size->name }} {{ env('SIZE') }} ({{ $property->inventory->size->name * 25 }} Sq Yds) in Smart Housing Multan.


1. The management of Smart Housing Multan is pleased to allot the file of {{ explode(' ',$property->inventory->type->name)[0] }} file of {{ $property->inventory->size->name }} {{ env('SIZE') }} ({{ $property->inventory->size->name * 25 }} Sq Yds) in Smart Housing Multan.


2. Reference No. SHM/{{ date('mYd') }}/000{{ $property->id }}/RO{{ $property->inventory->size ? $property->inventory->size->name : '' }}{{ substr(env('SIZE'), 0, 1) }} dated {{date('d-F-Y')}}.

inventory->size->name) }}>
@if($property->inventory->type->name == 'Residential Cash' || $property->inventory->type->name == 'Commercial Cash')

3. Your Plot no is {{ $property->inventory ? $property->inventory->unit_number : '' }} Street {{ $property->inventory->floor ? $property->inventory->floor->name : '' }} Block {{ explode(' ',$property->inventory->floor ? $property->inventory->floor->unitBlock->name : '')[0] }}


3. Your File no is {{ $property->inventory ? $property->inventory->unit_number : '' }} Street {{ $property->inventory->floor ? $property->inventory->floor->name : '' }} Block {{ explode(' ',$property->inventory->floor ? $property->inventory->floor->unitBlock->name : '')[0] }}

@if($property->inventory->type->name == 'Residential Cash' || $property->inventory->type->name == 'Commercial Cash')

4. Remaining dues (Maintenance Charges) will be paid by you as per Smart Housing Multan after the possession of the plot.


4. Remaining dues (Maintenance Charges) will be paid by you as per Smart Housing Multan after the possession of the file.


5. Adherence of all rules / regulation / by laws of Smart Housing Multan and MDA is mandatory.

Managing Director

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